How Quantm.One is revolutionizing Home Equity

Find out how Quantm.One’s Equity Freedom works for homeowners

An opportunity to invest in Quantm.One

Quantm.One – our business
Quantm.One is helping to unlock one of the largest and most concentrated sources of wealth: Home Equity. Residential real estate represents the single largest asset class in the world. In the United States alone there is over $15 Trillion of homeowner equity trapped in residential homes.

The Homeowners’ Dilemma
Home equity is a non-financial asset, which means that it cannot be readily converted to cash or used to purchase goods or services. According to the most recent Survey of Consumer Finances, homeowners over the age of 65 have 73% of their net worth concentrated in home equity. More alarming is the fact that 30% of all homeowners have ZERO net worth outside of the home.

The Investor’s Dilemma
Investors want exposure to residential real estate, but it is difficult to access and has significant burdens. Real estate can have high acquisition, maintenance and disposition fees. Direct ownership requires significant involvement and costs, including managing vacancies, paying taxes and insurance. Generally speaking, conventional real estate investing is capital intensive and does not provide downside protection.

The Equity Freedom Movement has Already Begun
Quantm.One solves these problems. We have created the QuantmRE Equity Freedom Platform – a ground-breaking, patent-pending real estate investment and finance platform that has been designed to give homeowners and investors unprecedented access to the equity in single family homes. We’re solving a major problem for homeowners who want to access the equity in their homes without taking on more debt. We call this Equity Freedom. For investors, we have designed a platform to build, model, manage and trade personalized portfolios of fractionalized real estate investments based on this multi-trillon dollar asset class.

Join the Equity Freedom Movement and invest in Quantm.One
The available market for these solutions is enormous – in the US alone there is over $15 trillion of residential home equity. Quantm.One launched its Equity Freedom Platform as a proof of concept in September 2018 and is now actively working with homeowners who want to get cash by monetizing their home equity without taking out a loan. We are raising additional capital through this Offering so that we can widen our customer and investor base, and to complete the development, build out and regulatory registrations of our unique real estate exchange that has been designed to enable investors to buy, sell and trade equity in single family homes – an asset class that is already seeing explosive growth.

  • Quantm.One has been designed to enable institutions and individuals alike to invest in fractionalized owner and non-owner occupied residential real estate
  • Quantm.One has been designed to provide potential secondary market trading in fractionalized home equity.
  • The Quantm.One platform has been designed to be available to accredited and non-accredited, national and international investors with low initial investment minimums.

Our management team comprises pioneers in the shared equity space who have helped hundreds of homeowners access millions of dollars of equity in their homes. You can bet on our team to innovate, execute and scale Quantm.One. We believe we can revolutionize the way that home equity is accessed, which can both solve a major problem for homeowners and create a potentially tradable real estate asset for investors. Take the opportunity to get in on the ground floor, as we begin to change the way that home equity is accessed across the United States.

– Matthew Sullivan, Founder and CEO

Note: the image above represents a part of the website that is currently under development and is intended for demonstration purposes only.

The Offering

Quantm.One, Inc is offering up to $2,000,000 worth of equity by way of 200,000 shares of Voting Preferred Stock at $10.00 / share

Pre-Money Valuation: $10,336,950

The Company, Quantm.One, Inc, will begin generating revenues in October 2019. We believe the seasoned expertise and experience within the Company’s management team will enable Quantm.One to provide a wider range of products than its competitors, comprising a suite of home equity contracts that can be used by homeowners who are looking for credit repair products as well as a tool for home wealth management. The Company is able to offer a range of customised contracts based on investor demand, which is something we have not yet seen from our competitors. Based on the Company being revenue generating, the marketing impetus it has already created, its channel relationships and its broader market approach, the Company’s management believes its market readiness and ability to compete is greater than that of its competitors when they raised their respective seed capital rounds. This reduces risk of execution and therefore adds value to potential investors.

The $10,336,950 pre-money valuation of the Company is therefore based on the Company’s current status, its market-readiness, reduced risk of execution compared to its competitors when they raised capital at the same stage, the experience of its team, the channel relationships and origination pipeline it has in place, and the comparative valuations of its closest competitors (namely Point and HomeTap) when they were at the same or similar stage in their evolution. No independent or third party valuation has been carried out.

“Quantm.One’s platform has been designed to make home equity accessible, investible and tradable.We’re aiming to solve a major problem for homeowners who want to access the equity in their homes without taking on more debt, while also enabling small investors to invest in residential real estate without the problems of being a landlord”.

Matthew Sullivan, Founder and CEO, Quantm.One


The problems with being House Rich and Cash Poor
Most average Americans have money worries, and they really shouldn’t, because many of them – 14.7 million in fact – also have a very valuable asset that can help with financial liquidity. That asset is the equity in their home. The challenge is that many of these homeowners lack the tools to access the wealth they already own – i.e. their home equity. Traditionally, the only way to access the equity in one’s home was to take on more debt. However, there is another solution. Quantm.One’s Home Equity Contracts can provide homeowners with access to their home equity wealth without taking on more debt, with no interest or additional monthly payments.

For homeowners looking for a way to monetize some of the equity in their home without taking out a loan, Quantm.One’s home equity contracts can enable them to unlock the wealth that’s trapped in their home equity. The big difference is our home equity contracts are not a loan or a reverse mortgage, and that means there’s no added debt, no interest and no monthly payments.

For investors Quantm.One’s Real Estate Investment and Active Portfolio Exchange enables Investors to gain exposure to the equity in prime residential real estate, an untapped, multi-trillion dollar real estate asset class in the US.

Quantm.One’s patent-pending Equity Freedom Platform is designed to enable homeowners to sell, and investors to purchase, a portion of the equity in owner-occupied and non owner-occupied single family residential homes.

Quantm.One – making home equity accessible, investible and tradable.

Watch this video to see how our program works for a homeowner

The Home Equity Contract
At the heart of Quantm.One’s platform is the Home Equity Contract. This agreement allows a homeowner to sell a share of the current and potential future value of their home in exchange for cash now. This is not a tenancy in common. It is not debt. It’s not a line of credit and it’s not a reverse mortgage. The homeowner receives cash, they maintain all their rights and privileges of ownership, and they can settle the agreement by selling their home, refinancing or renewing the contract (all of which may be as long as 30 years in the future).

How will Home Equity Contracts trade on Quantm.One’s Platform?
Quantm.One plans to continue the development and build out of its trading platform. Built on blockchain technologies, Quantm.One’s trading platform has been designed to operate like a ‘stock-market’ for fractional interests in residential properties, giving investors a smarter way to invest in US homes. Using the Company’s patent-pending technologies, the economic value of each Home Equity Contract is tokenized and split into $1 shares. These shares can then be offered for sale via Quantm.One’s Active Portfolio exchange so that investors can build a portfolio of their own choice consisting of fractionalized investments in the equity in individual properties. Note: This exchange will require approval from federal and state regulators and non-regulatory bodies, which Quantm.One anticipates could be time and capital extensive. A portion of the proceeds of this Offering will be used for such purpose. If Quantm.One is not successful in obtaining the necessary approvals, the fractionalization and transferability of these Home Equity Contracts could be limited.

Investors on the Quantm.One platform will potentially be able to purchase fractionalized interests in the home equity contracts of their choice with as little as $100. We will calculate monthly the value of each home equity to reflect the current market value. Investors would then be able to offer their fractionalized interests in these individual contracts for sale on the platform at a price they choose.

The value of each home equity contract will be calculated every month. The Quantm.One platform will update the estimated contract value and how much the contract has appreciated or depreciated over that period. Investors would then be able to set their own price and sell their individual contract interests on the exchange. Investors would pay a transaction fee when they buy or sell their contract interests.

Quantm.One’s Equity Freedom Platform has been designed to enable small investors to get a foot in the door in the residential real estate market with very low investment minimums, and will also allow larger investors and institutions to build targeted portfolios of this unique real estate asset in specific geographies and demographics.

Watch a preview of Quantm.One’s Platform. Note: this video represents a part of the Quantm.One Platform that is currently under development. This video is intended for demonstration purposes only.

How does Quantm.One make money?
Quantm.One has a number of revenue streams. Quantm.One’s exchange platform is a  membership-based platform, and we plan to charge investors an annual fee to buy, sell and trade shares in fractionalized home equity contracts (these transactions will be carried out via a licensed broker dealer). We will also receive a fee based on the amount of cash a homeowner unlocks when they complete a home equity contract.

Case studies

In the examples below, traditionally taking on more debt has been the only method of financing available to homeowners. The types of debt can include a conventional mortgage, a home equity line of credit (HELOC) and a reverse mortgage. The problem is that debt is not always the best solution. Debt can be very expensive. In some cases, it can cost much more than the amount that the house has appreciated. The lender takes little risk – their debt is secured against the property. Most importantly, the debt has to be repaid with interest even if the value of the house goes down

There is a better way, though. There is a way for homeowners to gain access to the equity they have built that does not involve debt, interest or monthly payments. The section below features generic examples of real life scenarios describing how unlocking the equity in your home can be used to provide short term solutions, or to implement a longer term financial strategy. 

It’s true. You can unlock the equity in your home without taking on more debt

Quantm.One’s Home Equity Contracts 

Quantm.One’s Home Equity Contracts enable homeowners to access a portion of the equity in their homes without taking on additional debt. That means no interest, no monthly payments and no restrictions on how the homeowner can spend their money. 

  • Homeowners can stay in their home for up to 30 years after they have entered into a home equity contract with Quantm.One 
  • Qualification is simple and flexible
  • We look at a number of factors about the homeowner and the home in making an investment decision. We don’t just look at credit score or income
  • There are no monthly payments
  • Homeowners keep all rights and privilege as a homeowner
  • Homeowners get access to a portion of their home equity now without having to sell 
  • Investors can participate in the appreciation or depreciation of the home value

Quantm.One’s home equity contracts can be a good way for home owners to get immediate value out of their existing equity without the need to take on new debt (i.e., a second loan, HELOC, or reverse mortgage). Homeowners receive cash now in exchange for agreeing to share, with the investor, a portion of the appreciation or depreciation in the value of the property over the length of the agreement. 

Homeowners want a debt-free way to access the equity locked up in their home

Investors want exposure to US residential real estate without the cost and involvement of being a landlord

Investors want a platform where they can view, control and manage their investments

Quantm.One’s platform will make home equity accessible, investible and potentially tradable

The Problem – Home Equity

  • In the US, there is $15.54 trillion ( of “trapped” home equity
  • 7 million homes in the US have greater than 50% in home equity
  • Homeowners over 65 have 73% of their net worth concentrated in home equity
  • 30% of all Homeowners have ZERO net worth outside of the home

The Solution – Equity Freedom

  • At the core of Quantm.One’s Equity Freedom Program is the Home Equity Contract.
  • These proprietary contracts entitle the homeowner to access a portion of their home equity wealth.
  • The Home Equity Contract is secured by a lien on title
  • Allows home equity to be fractionalized and purchased, making home equity accessible, investible and potentially tradable

Home Equity Contracts can be used for:

  • Short term credit repair
  • Asset diversification, supplement income, college funding
  • Home Improvements (e.g. Accessory Dwelling Unit)
  • Debt paydown, including mortgage, HELOC payoff
  • Medical or health care expenses


  • The homeowner receives cash
  • The homeowner maintains all rights and privileges of wnership The homeowner and the investor share in future appreciation or depreciation of the home
  • When the Home Equity Contract ends, the investor receives an equity return based on the appreciation of the home
  • Unlike debt, the homeowner’s liability is correlated to value of the home


  • Home Equity Contracts can provide investors with structurally- leveraged real estate returns with downside protection
  • For individual investors and institutions, Home Equity Contracts provide a cost-effective, risk-controlled way to get exposure to residential real estate
  • One’s platform will give individuals the ability to invest in Home Equity Contracts with a low minimum investment requirement

Note: the image above represents a part of the website that is currently under development and is intended for demonstration purposes only.


  • The Quantm.One platform has been designed to enable the economic interest in each home equity contract to be fractionalized and split into $1 units. 
  • These units may then be offered for sale via Quantm.One’s platform. 
  • The value of each home equity contract will be calculated every month and the Quantm.One platform will show the value of the contract and how much the contract has appreciated or depreciated.
  • Investors may set a price and sell their individual fractions on the exchange. NOTE: The Quantm.One real estate exchange will require approval from federal and state regulators and non-regulatory bodies, which Quantm.One anticipates could be time and capital extensive.  A portion of the proceeds of this Offering will be used for such purpose. If Quantm.One is not successful in obtaining the necessary approvals, the fractionalization and transferability of these Home Equity Contracts could be limited.

Our Competitive Advantages

Our team is seasoned and experienced

You can bet on our team to innovate, execute and scale Quantm.One. Our management team is comprised of pioneers in the shared equity space who have helped hundreds of homeowners access millions of dollars of equity in their homes, giving them the freedom to turn their equity into cash and take back control of their finances.

We are making investment in home equity available to retail investors

Our main competitors are Unison, Point and HomeTap who are backed by major venture capital firms, institutional investors, insurance and endowment funds. These investors buy home equity contracts to gain efficient and cost-effective exposure to residential real estate without the costs and friction of physical ownership. is providing this same attractive asset class to individual investors at an investment level that makes sense for homeowners and retail investors alike. 

We also compete with other online platforms, such as Fundrise, RealtyMogul, CrowdStreet and other real estate crowdfunding sites who offer real estate investment opportunities to retail investors. We alone, however, are presenting a new opportunity to enhance liquidity in the real estate investing market based on a platform designed to enable members to buy and sell their investments.

Our approach and technologies enables us to offer a number of unique advantages, such as the prospect of a potential secondary market liquidity and the anticipated opportunity to buy and sell fractionalized equity in single family homes via Quantm.One’s unique real estate Active Portfolio Exchange. 


  • Quantm.One has been designed to enable institutions and individuals alike to invest in fractionalized owner-occupied residential real estate
  • Quantm.One has been designed to provide potential secondary market trading in fractionalized home equity
  • The Quantm.One platform is being built to give accredited and non-accredited, national and international investors access to investments in prime residential real estate with low initial investment minimums


Invest now in Quantm.One, Inc

Join the Equity Freedom Movement and Invest in Quantm.One

Quantm.One, Inc is solving a major problem for homeowners who want to access the equity in their homes without taking on more debt. We are also opening the doors for small investors who want to build, model, manage  and potentially trade portfolios of a unique residential real estate asset class that, until now, has only been available to venture capital funds and large institutions. The potential market for both of these solutions is enormous – in the US alone there is over $15 trillion of equity trapped in people’s homes. Our approach has been designed to solve a major personal financial management problem for homeowners, while, at the same time, creating liquidity and tradability for one of the largest asset classes in the country. 

We invite you to join the Equity Freedom Movement and become an early  shareholder as we revolutionize the way that home equity is accessed in the United States. 

QuantmRE has created ‘EQRE’ – a cryptocurrency securities token tied to a diversified, audited pool of real estate assets.

QuantmRE is building the world’s largest membership-driven, vertically integrated residential real estate marketplace powered by Blockchain technologies, giving investors a unique ability to build, model, manage and trade diversified portfolios of fractionalized real estate assets that have the potential to provide income and capital appreciation.

QuantmRE enables homeowners to release the value of the equity that is locked up in their homes without taking on more debt.

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

QuantmRE’s patent pending technologies have been designed to make home equity Accessible, Investible and Tradable


Homeowners can now access the trapped equity in their homes without taking on more debt.

The Solution

QuantmRE’s Home Equity Contracts enable homeowners to release the ‘dead money’ that is locked up in the equity in their homes without having to take on more debt. For homeowners, that means they can get access to significant amounts of capital with no interest, no monthly payments, and no restrictions on how they spend the money.


Invest in real estate without the problems of being a landlord

The Solution

QuantmRE’s EQRE fund will enable qualifying investors to make a passive investment in fractionalized equity in single family homes in the US, a previously untapped $15 trillion market


Build, Manage, Model and Trade your own real estate portfolio

The Solution

QuantmRE’s ‘Active Portfolio’ Real Estate Marketplace has been designed to enable independent investors to build, model, manage and trade a personalized portfolio of fractionalized real estate assets with a low minimum investment barrier.

See how QuantmRE works

QuantmRE Membership

QuantmRE’s ‘MQRE’ Membership Tokens can be used to pay for the annual subscription-based services that are offered on the Platform (described below). Membership Tokens, which are separate tokens to EQRE and are not tied to real estate assets, can also be used as a payment method for access to other services offered through Platform.

Membership Tokens retail price

Membership Tokens will be redeemable on the QuantmRE platform for Membership fees. One MQRE Membership token will be redeemable for the equivalent of $1.00 of Membership fees.

QuantmRE is built on trust.


QuantmRE employs the same architecture and cyber security standards as PCI-DSS and enterprise-grade financial institutions. This includes penetration testing as well as cyber security policies in accordance with those standards.

QuantmRE has engaged CybrEye, Inc and Cognitio Corp. to provide leading-edge solutions for security and privacy. The cyber security assessments they will carry out on a regular basis go beyond best-in-class commercial to testing expected in the most sensitive areas of government.

Cognitio Corp. supports QuantmRE through its deep experience in cyber security and enterprise cloud architecture with large government and financial institutions, including investment banks, federally backed student lenders, aerospace companies, big data companies, supercomputing manufacturers, credit unions, and government agencies in the intelligence community.

QuantmRE has been designed around a scalable, secure and distributed third generation Blockchain architecture which will deliver military-grade encryption for transactions, cryptographic anonymity for payments and messages and an environment supporting the creation of investment applications with security and privacy at their core.


The Active Portfolio Real Estate Marketplace Blockchain has been built using Microsoft.Net and Hyperledger. This Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) layer represents a small subset of the overall data we collect on assets, owners, and investors. .

Due to the maturity of technology currently available to support an asset-backed token, we will be utilizing public and private Blockchains along with off-chain and sidechain technologies. The public Blockchain will allow us to leverage the power of the cryptographic cyber security capabilities, and our private Blockchain will allow us to operate more freely within our internal/trusted environment.

The QuantmRE infrastructure also uses Amazon AWS infrastructure as a service, the most recent Microsoft.Net Framework as its development language, and best practice project management tools.

QuantmRE Roadmap


Initial concept developed to offer shared equity financing

June 2017

Initial concept to produce asset-backed token

October 2017

QuantmRE team assembled, first white paper

March 2018

Initial seed capital $700,000 raised

May 2018

Additional seed funding $1M raised

September 2018

Platform launched (Release 1.0)

September 2018

SEC Regulation A+ filings for the EQRE Asset Backed Token submitted

March 2019

EQRE Tokens Offering open to professional investors

June 2019

QuantmRE Securities, Inc becomes Group Broker Dealer

September 2019

EQRE tokens made available to retail purchasers on the QuantmRE Platform

September 2019

Platform live with Peer-to-Peer trading for US and non-US persons

The QuantmRe Team

Matthew Sullivan

Matthew Sullivan

Founder, Chief Executive Officer

Robert Barr

Robert Barr

Chief Financial Officer

Mark Rogers

Mark Rogers

Sales - Originations

Steve Hotovec

Steve Hotovec

Sales - Originations

Jeremiah Jacquet

Jeremiah Jacquet

Software Engineer

Technical and Operations Team

Bojan Mise

Bojan Mise

Data Scientist

Dave Sterlitz

Dave Sterlitz

Compliance Advisor

Sheila Burns

Sheila Burns

Director of Strategic Marketing

Heath Jackson Thomas

Heath Jackson Thomas

Creative Director

Marty Tate

Marty Tate

Legal Counsel, Advisor

Board of Advisors

David Moss

David Moss

Senior Blockchain Advisor

Tim Sanders

Tim Sanders


You’ve got questions. We’ve got answers.

How is a Home Equity Contract different from a home loan?

A Home Equity Contract allows us to share in the current and future potential increase in the value of your home in exchange for releasing some of the value that is locked up in the equity in your home today. There is no loan, interest charges or monthly payments associated with this arrangement. QuantmRE becomes a ‘silent partner’ with the owner of the property, and shares in both the appreciation or potential depreciation in the value of the property over time.

How does a Home Equity Contract affect me as a homeowner?

A Home Equity Contract is a good way to get immediate value out of your home’s existing equity without the need to take on new debt (i.e., a 2nd loan, HELOC, or reverse mortgage). It also displaces some of the risk of depreciation in the event property values decline during a certain period of time. In return, you agree to share with QuantmRE an agreed percentage of the current value as well as some of the appreciation or depreciation in the value of the property over time. This means that if the property appreciates in value over time, you’ll realize less of that appreciation in value when you sell, as a portion of it will be paid to us.

Are Home Equity Contracts a new concept for owner occupied housing?

Home Equity Contracts as a way of financing personal housing have been around informally for a long time. The sort of traditional approach in doing this has been for family members of the home buyer, or private or government institutions trying to support homeownership in high cost living areas, to share equity with the primary homeowner occupant. QuantmRE is formalizing what had been an informal arrangement by bringing to market a standardized, legal and market framework for home price movement financing through our Home Equity Contracts. Our business approach includes the ability for investors to trade their interests without impacting the home owner. Our agreements are also available to non-owner occupied single family homes that are held as investment properties.

How is a Home Equity Contract different from a reverse mortgage?

A QuantmRE Home Equity Contract is not a loan or a reverse mortgage. As a homeowner, you do not bear the typically high costs associated with a reverse mortgage, nor do you have to be 62 years or older (our Home Equity Contracts are available to all qualified property owners regardless of age). QuantmRE pays you for a share of the current value and potential future appreciation (or depreciation) of your home, and records a lien on the property as evidence of the transaction. However, since a Home Equity Contract is not a loan on the property, there is no accruing interest building up. QuantmRE is now a partner with the homeowner, participating in either the upside appreciation of the property, or the downside depreciation according to the terms of the agreement. When the property is eventually sold, QuantmRE will be paid back its original investment plus its agreed share of the appreciation/depreciation in the value of the property.

This sounds too good to be true for the homeowner—is it?

A Home Equity Contract could be the right solution for someone who wants to get cash out of their property without taking on additional debt and incurring monthly interest payments. The homeowner can stay in their home for up to thirty years (depending on the contract terms). At the time of sale of the property, the homeowner repays the original investment paid by QuantmRE, plus the agreed share of the gain or loss in the value of the home during the time of the Home Equity Contract. It is important to remember, though, that by sharing in the equity in your home, you will likely receive less in the sale of your home than if you did not enter into a Home Equity Contract.

How are you going to register the legal ownership of the house?

Homeowners are listed as owner on title. QuantmRE will record with the county recorder’s office a lien on your property that protects our interests, but is not a loan, security or swap instrument. Our agreement with the homeowner is simply a consumer contract that memorializes our investment in the property.

Will the property owner need to take on additional debt ?

Since a Home Equity Contract is not a loan, there is no additional debt associated with it. The homeowner pays QuantmRE, upon sale of the property, our original investment plus our agreed percentage of the appreciation or depreciation of the value of the home. As the terms of Home Equity Contracts can vary, this is a broad definition only.

Does the home have to be owner-occupied to qualify?

No- we do not require the home to be owner occupied. Home Equity Contracts can be a great source of new funding for rental/investment property owners.

Who is responsible for property maintenance, insurance and taxes?

The property owner has responsibility to properly maintain the property, pay all property taxes on time and make sure that the property is properly insured in accordance with the provisions of the Home Equity Contract with QuantmRE.

How does a Home Equity Contract affect me if I want to remodel my home?

A homeowner may remodel and improve their property as they desire, as long as the planned improvements do not detract from the value of the property, nor entail taking on additional debt that could harm QuantmRE’s interest in the property. All we ask is that the homeowner does an appraisal before and then a follow up appraisal after doing the improvements, in order to measure the increase in value to the property, if any, due to the improvements. This equity value increase will not be part of the equity that QuantmRE later shares in upon sale of the home.

What if I want to repay the Home Equity Contract before I sell my home?

This is fine. The repayment amount will be based on the value of the home at time of the proposed repayment, within certain provisions in our agreement to ensure that QuantmRE does not unnecessarily take a loss on equity in the event that market conditions are not favorable at that time.

How is the value of my property determined?

QuantmRE will carry out an appraisal by an independent qualified appraiser, to determine the value of the subject property.

How will I be paid when I take out a Home Equity Contract?

Once we have completed the underwriting and completion process, we will send an electronic funds transfer to your bank account.

How will a Home Equity Contract affect my tax situation on my personal residence before a sale?

At the time you receive the payment from QuantmRE, there should be no tax consequence because our transaction is an “open” or “forward” transaction – i.e., the tax consequence will not be known until a future date. This is not tax advice – you should consult your tax advisor for a more exact answer that takes into account your particular situation.

Who decides when to sell my home?

You, as the homeowner, always remain in control of your property and can decide to sell your home anytime you wish. When your Home Equity Contract reaches its agreed term, which may be from 10-30 years after the date of the initial agreement, you will need to sell your home, buy out QuantmRE’s interest, or apply for an extension of the agreement.

Are there any restrictions on the types of loans I may take out on my home?

Negative amortization loans (i.e. loans where the full amount of interest due each month is not paid and is added to the loan balance) are not allowed. These types of loans jeopardize the equity interest that QuantmRE holds in your property.

In the Press

QuantmRE in the news! 🚀

QuantmRE in the news! 🚀

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Will the Future Stock Market Be Tokenized?

Will the Future Stock Market Be Tokenized?

The world is still waiting for cryptocurrencies to become more mainstream than they already are. One of the ways that this is likely to happen is through asset based tokens. If and when this occurs, it is going to influence the stock market and other areas of finance in a massive way.

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What is a Stablecoin?

What is a Stablecoin?

Have you heard of the term stablecoin? They have gained in popularity over the course of the last year or so, but there are still many who are not entirely sure what these coins are or why they are important. Here’s what you need to know.

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There’s No Such Thing as Good Debt

There’s No Such Thing as Good Debt

Don’t fall into the trap of thinking a mortgage or student loans are “good debt”. The truth of the matter is that there is no such thing as good debt, no matter what anyone tells you. Those who use the term and believe in it are either mistaken or trying to find ways that they can justify the amount that they have spent.

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QuantmRE Moves Towards Full Compliance

QuantmRE Moves Towards Full Compliance

Matthew Sullivan, CEO and Founder of QuantmRE, the world’s first Blockchain-based real estate network which offers fractional interests in single-family residential homes, has put strict governance at the heart of his business. He believes that best-in-class compliance should be at the top of every token issuer’s agenda.

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The Future of Security Tokens

The Future of Security Tokens

Security tokens are likely going to have a very bright future. Those who are considering making investments, whether they are large investors such as an institutional investor or they are a single traditional investor, will find the idea of these tokens very intriguing.

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Real Estate Moving to the Blockchain

Real Estate Moving to the Blockchain

The blockchain makes buying real estate easier, faster and safer – executing and recording contracts, deeds, escrow, and other financial transactions within the distributed, secure blockchain environment.

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How Blockchain Can Democratize Real Estate Investing

How Blockchain Can Democratize Real Estate Investing

It is not easy for everyone to make investments in real estate. In some cases, the inability to buy real estate might be due to finances. Even those who have the money to make an investment may not be able to invest for one reason or another depending on where they live. If someone hopes

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Blockchain Technology: Understanding How It Works

Blockchain Technology: Understanding How It Works

Unless you’ve been living under that proverbial rock, you’ve at least heard about blockchain technology. It’s the tech that underpins cryptocurrencies like bitcoin and ether. However, there’s a lot more to understand about this technology, how it works, and the benefits that it has to offer.

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